︎︎︎ Olivia Ema (she/her) is a creative technologist and graphic designer currently working at Ministry of Sound. She is interested in the intersection of the human spirit and creative technology, brought to life through careful experimentation and play.  

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︎︎︎Olivia Ema (she/her) is a creative technologist interested in the intersection of the human spirit and creative technology, brought to life through careful experimentation and play.


Portal Of Wellness is an immersive experience that explores the intersection of augmented reality (AR) and neurolinguistics - the study of the brain's ability to be transformed by language.

By using AR to present affirmations in a unique and interactive way, this project aims to enhance the natural ability of language to influence the brain. Users are invited to interact with the affirmations by walking through the portal rings, engaging with the words in a new and meaningful way.

Created on Adobe Aero.

© Olivia Ema 2024